Meeting documents

SCC Somerset Pensions Board
Friday, 18th February, 2022 10.00 am

  • Meeting of Somerset Pensions Board, Friday 18th February 2022 10.00 am (Item 7.)

To consider this report from the Funds & Investments Manager.


The Board considered the report of the Funds and Investments Manager that set out the Terms of Reference which were opted into in 2015; however, with LGR all Terms of Reference will be looked at.  Point 3.4 was raised by Mrs Ellins who asked if this was robust enough; Mr Sweet agreed to rewrite it to include the explicit wording discussed.  Cllr Hills would like Members to be encouraged to be heard and have a voice but understands the logistics make it difficult.  A discussion took place, and it was agreed that Members would be made more aware of the Board and encourage them to have an interest in their pension when any communication is being sent by Peninsula.  The Chair asked that any public questions are not limited to three minutes, and if this does become a problem, that it will be reviewed.  The request that the Chair has to be present to make a meeting quorate is to be removed, meaning that the Board can meet if the correct number of members are present.


The Board accepted and noted the report.


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